Pasta often gets touted as being unhealthy or indulgent, thanks to the high amount of carbs and processing. But to sidestep that label, many people turn to whole wheat pasta over the white version to make their bowl of noodles more nutrient-dense.

But is whole grain pasta always better than its lighter colored counterpart? We tapped sports dietitian Natalie Rizzo, M.S., R.D. to find out what to know about whole grain versus white pasta and which option best serves runners.

The Claim:

Whole wheat pasta is healthier than white pasta, because it comes straight from whole grains (you’ll likely see whole wheat flour as the main item on the ingredient list) and therefore is packed with nutrients such as complex carbs, protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

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On the other hand, white pasta is made of refined carbs, meaning it has been stripped of many nutrients during its processing. You’ll likely see more than simply flour on the ingredient list.

The Evidence:

Here’s how whole grain pasta and white pasta stack up, nutrition-wise.

One serving (2 ounces) of whole wheat pasta contains:

  • 180 calories
  • 39 grams of carbs
  • 8 grams of protein
  • 7 grams of fiber
  • minerals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc

One serving (2 ounces) of white pasta contains:

  • 200 calories
  • 42 grams of carbs
  • 7 grams of protein
  • 3 grams of fiber
  • some iron, but no magnesium or zinc

So what does that mean, really? Well, refined grains have been shown to spike your blood sugar and insulin levels because they’re digested much more quickly than complex carbs. They’re also not as filling as complex carbs, so you’re more likely to consume more calories before you reach that satisfied feeling.

Carbs are your body’s main source of fuel on a ride—if you don’t get enough, there’s a good chance you’ll bonk. Protein helps build and repair your muscles, while fiber helps stabilize your blood sugar and keep your digestive system working the way it should. As for the minerals, magnesium maintains a healthy blood pressure and keeps your bones strong, iron gives you energy, and zinc helps boost your immune system and aids in healing any cuts or bruises you might have gotten on the road.

The Verdict:

While whole wheat pasta does have a bunch of legitimate health benefits, Rizzo says, there’s no point in forcing yourself to eat something you don’t like—for some, whole wheat pasta just doesn’t taste as good as white pasta does.

“If you want to eat white pasta, go for it, but pay attention to serving size,” Rizzo says. “Most people probably should have two servings [per meal].”

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As for the glycemic index argument that says whole grain pasta doesn’t spike your blood sugar as much as white? While it is true that refined grains like white pasta are considered higher on the glycemic index scale, it might not mean as much as you think.

“The glycemic index was first established as a way to help people with diabetes make food choices that are suited to their condition,” Rizzo explains. “Since [cyclists] need more carbs in their diet, having foods that are higher on the glycemic index isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”

Plus, the glycemic index of specific foods doesn’t take into account the real-world way people eat foods: in combination, not in isolation. You’re not eating a plain bowl of pasta and calling it a day—you’re probably topping it with sauce and eating a side or two with it.

The way you build a meal affects how quickly it will lead to a spike and fall in your blood sugar.

“Pairing a starchy carb with a protein, fat, and some fiber will actually regulate your blood sugar, meaning that you won’t experience an energy spike followed by a crash,” she says.

So if you think white pasta tastes better, don’t worry: There are definitely ways you can incorporate it into a healthy diet. Don’t go overboard and serve up a heaping bowl every day, and also make sure you’re paying attention to what ingredients make up the rest of the meal.

“You should balance it with protein, [healthy] fat, and vegetables, rather than eating something like fettuccine alfredo that’s basically just butter and cream,” she says. Serve your pasta with some chicken, and load vegetables like zucchini on top, for instance.

Another important note: Whole wheat pasta may actually be a problematic choice if you’re carb-loading before a race. In that case, its extra fiber content could end up upsetting your stomach and causing GI distress, Rizzo says.

The bottom line? Follow the rule of moderation, and eat whichever type of pasta you damn well please. You want to eat foods you enjoy and that will make you feel good, whether that’s whole grain pasta or white pasta.

“I personally think you shouldn’t totally avoid certain foods,” Rizzo says. “If you love pasta, you may not love other versions of it, and that’s okay.”

Headshot of Danielle Zickl
Danielle Zickl
Senior Editor
Danielle Zickl for Runner's World and Bicycling.