In today’s digital world, we’re constantly looking down at our phones while mindlessly scrolling through social media (#morebikelessphone), or hunched over a keyboard firing off emails. It’s an unfortunate product of our environment, and often results in rounded shoulders and a weakened chest, back, and core.

As cyclists, though, we turn to the bike as both a mental and physical outlet to not only disconnect and relieve stress, but to also stay in shape. And while cycling certainly has a wide range of benefits, sometimes the aggressive, hunched-over riding position can add additional stress to an already stressed spine. Pair this with our modern day-to-day workplace demands, and you may have a posture problem on your hands before you realize it.

The good news: You don’t have to sacrifice your back health to stay efficient (and comfortable) on the bike. According to Caitlin Glenn Sapp, D.P.T., a USA Triathlon Certified Coach, certified personal trainer and physical therapist, reinforcing positive habits and postural alignment can combat possible negative long-term effects from cycling or sitting for prolonged periods.

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First, let’s start with the benefits of riding in a hunched-over position—bikes are designed with this position in mind (for proof, just take a look at the pros). Besides the aerodynamic advantages, the benefits are physiological, too.

“The hunched-over cycling position puts the athlete’s spine and pelvis in an optimal position for force production from the large, dynamic gluteal musculature,” Sapp says. “If the athlete were sitting upright with the pelvis tucked under them, this would cause a hip flexor- and quadriceps-dominant position, which is not optimal for efficient cycling.” In other words, your position helps you put more power into your pedal stroke.

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But with the good comes the bad, and there are some negatives to this riding style, especially over a long period of time. Body tissues can tighten up or excessively lengthen across the front and back of the body, causing a decrease in performance and efficiency. This results in two different conditions: upper crossed syndrome and lower crossed syndrome.

“With upper crossed syndrome, you see the weakening and lengthening of the tissue is found in the muscles of the front of the neck between the shoulder blades, while muscles of the chest and back of the neck are shortened and tight,” says Sapp.

“Meanwhile, with lower crossed syndrome, you see a tightness in the hip flexors and muscles that extend the lower back. Weakness is then found in the abdominal musculature and the gluteus maximus, and the hamstrings are often tight, as well,” she says. All of this will have negative effects on both your posture and efficiency.

Luckily, these effects aren’t permanent if addressed correctly. Sitting at a desk or pedaling a bike can reinforce bad habits, but regularly mixing in movements designed to regulate position and posture is key.

“It’s important to be aware of your alignment throughout the day—instead of sitting for the entire day, invest in a standing desk or take frequent walk breaks. Whether you sit in a slouched position, or extremely upright, you will be inhibiting different areas of your body with both,” says Sapp. “This is where it becomes important to have an exercise program that reinforces the activation of the core, glutes, and upper back muscles.”

Performing posture-correction exercises in conjunction with a standing desk or walk breaks will activate specific muscles and balance out your weaknesses. For the hips and glutes, Sapp recommends a single-leg deadlift, and a TRX pike for the core. For mitigating imbalances in the back and between the shoulder blades, she recommends a TRX low row.

Better Posture Exercises

1. Single-Leg Deadlift

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Stand with feet parallel, arms at sides. Keeping the hips squared, slightly bend the left knee and begin to lean forward, hinging at the hip until your torso is parallel with the floor as your right leg extends straight back behind you. Return to a standing position and repeat. Do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps on each leg. For an added challenge, hold a moderately heavy dumbbell or kettlebell.

2. TRX Pike

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Kneeling on the ground, facing away from the anchor point, straps at mid-calf, place both feet into the foot cradles. With arms extended straight and hands under shoulders, lift knees off the ground into a high plank position. Keeping core tight, keep legs straight as you lift hips up towards the sky. Slowly lower back to plank position. Repeat until fatigue.

3. TRX Low Row

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Shorten the TRX straps so that handles line up with hips. Stand facing the anchor point, grab handles with palms facing each other, and lean backward with arms straight until you feel tension on the straps. To make it easier, walk further away from the anchor point. To make it harder, walk closer to the anchor point. Engage shoulders and back to pull chest up to the handles, then return to start. Perform 12 to 15 reps.

Despite the adverse effects associated with the hunched-over position on the bike, it’s important to remember this position isn’t wrong. The position will vary from person to person, and Sapp recommends tailoring your geometry with the appropriate stack and reach for your specific needs and goals.

“To optimize your riding, I recommend getting your bike fit early on in the season to ensure you’re in an optimal position prior to doing any strength or form specific work,” Sapp says. “While riding, perform breathing and relaxation techniques, single leg drills, variable cadence and quick form checks to be sure the upper body is relaxed and the glutes are doing the work.”

All Images: Julia Hembree Smith

Headshot of Michael Nystrom
Michael Nystrom
Freelance Writer

Michael Nystrom is a two-time IRONMAN finisher and a former editor at Active Network, Muscle & Performance and Oxygen Magazine. He covers all things cycling, from the Tour de France to new product releases, and has been published by USA Triathlon, Under Armour, Polar, Triathlete Magazine and more. When not swimming, cycling or running, he’s catching some waves or chasing his dog, Dingo.