Looking for something new to do this weekend? Turn your riding into a weekend-long scavenger hunt and photo contest with a couple of friends (or make it a solo mission) with the All-City Steeplechase. Riders who complete a list of 10 "party-pace challenges" on their bike, and upload the proof to Instagram, will be in the running for some prizes from All-City Bikes (a Space Horse MicroShift), MET helmets, and Five Ten shoes.

30 shops from all around North America (yep, Canada even has a few!) are participating, plus many of the shops are hosting rides and parties to celebrate the event. But even if you don't live near one of those shops, you can still participate in the challenge to be eligible for prizes by using All-City's 10 challenges—which include things like riding to your favorite snack spot, showing off your favorite secret shortcut in your city, and showcasing your favorite skills with an impromptu talent show.

Is it goofy? Absolutely. But, it will help turn your regular weekend-long ride into something that you'll be talking about for years to come. It's a good chance to remember why we love our bikes so much: It's not just about the miles we pedal, it's about the adventures, the fun, and the places our bikes can take us. Even if you don't do the challenge officially, check out the list of stops All-City wants you to make, and try to do one or two of them this weekend, just to add something new to your usual ride.

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And if you do want to officially enter the contest, you'll need to plan to participate between August 5 to 7 (Friday to Sunday). Check out All-City's Steeplechase page for all the official entry rules.

Want to win the grand prize? You'll need to complete as many of the 10 challenges as possible, making them as wild and creative as possible, and post them all in a single carousel-style post using the hashtag #AllCitySteeplechase. They'll be picking the winner based on total challenges completed as well as how fun your post is, so grab a couple of friends, don your wildest kit, and get out there!