It was only a matter of time until Cannondale threw its hat into the fat bike ring. The company just unveiled its inaugural offering in the big-wheel category: the Fat CAAD.

The Fat CAAD's standout feature is its fat bike-specific Lefty Olaf fork, but there are some other clever details that make it intriguing. Cannondale plays with the fork offset for snappy steering, and offsets the chainrings for what it claims is the lowest Q factor in the fat bike realm.


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There are two Fat CAAD models: the 1 ($3,730) and 2 ($2,130). Both utilize the same CAAD (Cannondale Advanced Aluminum Design) SmartFormed frame with Stealth dropper post routing and 120mm-wide BB30XL bottom bracket. The chainstay length is tight at 456mm with clearance for 4.8-inch-wide tires. The Fat CAAD 2 comes with a 2x drivetrain and rigid aluminum fork, while the 1 model has a 1x drivetrain and Lefty Olaf fork.

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Cannondale says the Fat CAAD's offset chainring setup eliminates that ’bowlegged cowboy" feeling you get when riding fat bikes. "
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Anyone who has pedaled a fat bike knows the wide Q factor can make you feel like a bowlegged cowboy, because the crank arms are wide-set to allow for big tires. According to Cannondale, the Fat CAAD’s Q factor is up to 2.5 centimeters narrower than other 4.8-inch-compatible fat bikes, thanks to a custom offset chainring setup that moves the chain out towards the crank arm. This gives the Si crank-equipped bikes a 198mm Q factor on the 1x version, and 204mm on the 2x model.

    RELATED: Who's Buying All the Fat Bikes?

Cannondale’s forks are arguably the Fat CAAD’s standout feature. The fat bike-specific Lefty Olaf utilizes the oversized Lefty Max legs but has custom offset clamps to make room for the fat tire. Wheel travel is set at 100mm on the air sprung fork, which utilizes the same PBR damper with new Enduro+ tune as its other models. Fat bikes are not known for having razor-sharp steering, so Cannondale increased the Lefty’s offset to 60mm for reduced trail. This should offer a lighter feel at the handlebar and faster steering. The Fat CAAD 2’s rigid aluminum fork has an offset set at 55mm.

Expect to see the Fat CAAD arriving in Cannondale dealers by early November—just in time to crush fresh snow.